We are develop all type of software as per client requirement:

1 Master Menu

Create Farmer, Dealer, Product, Brand.

2 Milk Collection

Collection Milk, FAT, SNF, Lacto, Temperature, Bonus, Milk Type, Alcohol. Protein, Penalty, Smell, Test, Charge

3 Collection Charge Rate Card

Manage Any Charge, Penalty, Rate card

4 Collection Rate Card

Dynamic Create Rate card, AM/PM Shift wise

5 Collection SMS

Auto Send Collection sms, eg. Farmer Name, ID, Milk Type, Ltr, FAT, SNF, Lacto, Rate, Total Amount, Date

6 Collection Payment Report

Generate Payment Report, Display Total Ltr, Rate, FAT, SNF, Total Amount, Any Deduction

7 Farmer Ledger

Easily One Click Generate Farmer Statement, Also Generate Report Select Days wise

8 Medicine And Cow Feed Sales

Sale Medicine and cow feed also generate bill and manage history

9 Medicine and Cow feed Purchase

Medicine and cow feed also generate Purchase bill and manage history

10 Medicine and cow feed Stock

Maintain Medicine and cow feed Stock Also Ledger also generate report

11 Medicine and cow feed Ledger

Easily One Click Generate Farmer Statement, Also Generate Report Select Days wise

12 Medicine And Cow Feed Sales Return

Sale Medicine and cow feed also generate Sales Return bill and manage history

13 Medicine And Cow Feed Purchase Return

Purchase Medicine and cow feed also generate Purchase Return bill and manage history

14 Dealer Rate Card and Set Scheme, Offer

Create Separate Dealer Rate Card and Set Scheme, Offer Different Datewise

15 Transport Plan

Set Transport Plan Collection, Sales Department and Schedule Route wise vehicle

16 Multi Order

Multi Dealer Order Option, easily manage order and quick search Vehicle wise order also route wise order, Easily Find out missing dealer order

17 Delivery Challan

Today Dealer Order history one click all order Transfer to delivery challan, also Automatically create delivery challan print route wise, vehicle wise

18 Loading Department

Loading Department Auto Generate Report Vehicle wise Total Ltr, Can, Crate, Route wise, Vehicle Type, Transporter

19 Delivery

Super wiser either driver delivery product, easily maintain Sales Qty, return, offer, scheme, payment, can crate

20 Dock Return

vehicle/route/dealer wise check can crate stock, return material verify

21 Order SMS

Order approve auto send sms

22 Final Sales

accountant approve superviser delivery entry manage sales qty, return, spoil, scheme, offer, and manage closing balance, can, crate closing balance

23 final sales sms

when accountant approve supervisor delivery entry then auto send go invoice sms

24 Ledger

Generate Statement : Dealer, Maintenance, Employee Payment, Other Account

25 Daybook

One click show day wise all history like sales, collection, payment entry, Maintanance, milk sales, food sales, purchase, other

26 Cash Account

Manage company cash account

27 Bank

manage company different bank account cheque, RTGS, IMPS

28 Cash book

A cash book is a financial journal that contains all cash receipts and disbursements, including bank deposits and withdrawals.

29 Payment Recovery

Dealer Payment recovery schedule manage different day cycle

30 Multi User Management

You can create multiple user and assign different work

31 Multi user Android App

You can create multiple user android app and assign different work

32 Transport Km Rate Chart

Creation various route and apply rate chart km wise

33 Transport Qty, Kg, Can, Crate Rate Chart

Rate Chart Define Qty, Kg, Can, Crate various route

34 Day Close

Day Close use order, dispatch, invoice date format

35 Sales Tally Integration

All ERP data transfer to tally

Software Amount

Total :